Why You Need To Add Wheatgrass To Your Healing Supplies | SELF HEALTH + HEALING | Scoop.it

Let’s get this out of the way up front. Wheatgrass juice does NOT taste great! It tastes like grass, as you may have imagined by it’s name. It’s earthy and and pungent and although some that drink it often say it is sweet(ish), it’s definitely an acquired taste."


I have never met someone who actually likes the taste of wheatgrass the first time they try it – myself included. That first sip, usually taken too slowly because of the cautious nature of the drinker, lingers a tad too long on the tongue, making that first experience even worse. You’re better off simply throwing back that shot!


The taste is not WHY you should drink wheatgrass, though. You should try it and drink it because of it’s really good for you – a true elixir of health and repair.

- See more at: http://fitlife.tv/why-you-need-to-add-wheatgrass-to-your-healing-supplies-original/#sthash.wrCyUVma.dpuf