A Different Kind Of Gut Feeling: How Intestinal Bacteria Could Manipulate Your Brain | SELF HEALTH + HEALING | Scoop.it

"Our guts contain trillions of bacteria, all of which control our minds in order to get the foods they want. Controlling them back may help fight obesity,"


"The next time you can’t figure out why you’re suddenly craving a huge slab of ultra-decadent chocolate cake—consider the possibility that it’s not just you doing the craving. New research suggests that the armies of bacteria living in our guts can pull the strings in our brains to get what they want."


We’ve all heard about the bacterial universe within our bodies, but what’s less well known is just how vast this universe is in comparison to the rest of us: bacteria outnumber all of the cells in our body 100 to 1. And just like us, certain bacteria have a taste for certain nutrients, and they’ve developed ways of influencing their hosts to deliver more of their preferred vittles to the dinner table.